As part of our work together it is necessary for me to obtain sensitive data from you. To ensure full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR 2018. I am committed to being fully transparent with you about how I collect and use data and I would like to clarify the following:
I am registered with the Information Commissioners Office and will remain so for as long as I am in practice.
The type of information I collect from you in the ‘client details form’ is necessary in the forming of our therapeutic relationship and will include:
I require this information to enable me to contact you and to also give me an understanding of any medical conditions or treatment you are receiving and if you are currently taking any regular medication. This is part of keeping you safe whilst we work together. This data is stored securely and only accessible to me.
I will also keep brief notes of our sessions together but these will be stored separately from your contact details and they will not have your name on them to protect your privacy. These are stored securely and only accessible to me unless required by a court of law or to assist the BACP in resolving a complaint or safeguarding concern.
The only person who will have access to this data is myself. The only exceptions to this is if any of the following apply and I am then legally bound to share your data.
1) An immediate risk of substantial harm to you or others, or serious criminal activity;
2) A legal requirement: terrorism, drug money laundering are examples;
3) Due legal process: e.g. a Court Order
I am required by professional standards to have a professional clinical supervisor for my work. No identifiable information is shared with the Supervisor. We are both members of the BACP a Professional Association with an enforceable code of ethics.
I will store your records as follows:
1) Normally for three years from the last therapy session
2) This may be longer if you and your therapist both agree – if so your therapist will ask you to sign a new consent form
3) In a lockable file or in the case of electronic data I will ensure access is password protected
HMRC requires me to keep accounts information for six years, in addition to the current tax year, so up to seven in total. This will simply be a record of invoices and/or payments.
The rights you have under Data Protection law:
1) To access a copy of your records and have an explanation of your personal data
2) To request correction or your data
3) Withdraw consent or ask me to erase any information that I hold about you. I will do so unless it is information that I have a legal obligation to retain.
Please note if you request access to the data I hold about you this will be provided to you within 30 days in electronic format. If you believe any data I hold is inaccurate please let me know as soon as possible and I will correct whatever is required.
If you have made contact for counselling and decide not to proceed. I will delete any contact forms or notes along with all contact details and electronic communications we have shared.
In the event of your therapist’s death, or incapacity, your therapist will have written a ‘Clinical Will’ which will let a Clinical Executor have access to basic contact information to tell you what has happened.
The Clinical Executor does not have access to your case notes, which will be securely destroyed.